WebSphere provides built-in commands for the usage of the embedded Derby database.
mqsicreatedb can be used to create database.
The first time a Derby database is created, a Windows service called IBM® MQSeries® Broker DatabaseInstanceMgr6 is created and started. This service is required in order to access Derby databases. This service can be started or stopped by the mqsistart and mqsistop commands, and automatically starts when Windows is started, if necessary. The service is deleted when the last Derby database is deleted. At most one Database Instance manager Windows service exists, even if you install WebSphere® Message Broker more than once on your Windows computer (multiple installed instances).
The database commands affect all the databases created in any installed instance on your Windows computer, regardless of the instance under which they are created. For example, the mqsilist DatabaseInstanceMgr6 command lists all the databases that have been created using the mqsicreatedb command on this Windows computer. Use the mqsichangedbimgr command to change the user name and password under which the Database Instance manager Windows service is run. Run this command only if passwords change or if user names are updated after the initial installation and configuration. For more information, see Using Derby databases on Windows.
If you uninstall WMB, it tends to leave all manner of stuff lying around that will prevent the default config wizard running. A good starting point for resolving thes problems is to use mqsicreatedb to create a dummy DB - this starts the Derby DBMS so you can run mqsideletedb to get rid of the old DB and carry on from there.
Hi ,
Today i have accedentally deleted the Derbey DB ,since i was not able to deploy anything in tool kit ,I have uninsatleld the Tool kit ,
Now when i install the tool kit again ,Does the installation creates the default Derbey DB again or do i have to create a derbey db with the new names,
Please advise on how to proceed furtehr after installing the tool kit 6.1
You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?
I read a article under the same title some time ago, but this articles quality is much, much better. How you do this?
I wrote it based on my experience; otherwise I would have posted the link.
I was fed up with having to clear up after the WMB wizard so made a list of everything that gets created (WMB 6.1) and how to get rid of it - this list is at http://blog.mikemayuk.com/blog/Technology/_archives/2009/9/26/4332048.html- hope it saves a lot of people a lot of time!
I had to run and rerun the WMB 6.1 Default Configuration Wizard repeatedly in order to produce detailed setup instructions as part of a project I was working on. I made a list of what the wizard creates and posted it here: http://blog.mikemayuk.com/blog/Technology/_archives/2009/9/26/4332048.html
Hope that saves a lot of people a lot of time!
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