Thursday, April 17, 2008

CheatSheet: Installing and Configuring Oracle 10g Database with WebSphere Message Broker (Windows Platform)

By default, webSphere Message Broker uses Derby or DB2 as the broker database; and how to configure Oracle database is not very clear in the documentation. In this cheatsheet, the step-by-step instruction will be given.

1. Create an Oracle table space (TS_WSBKR).
2. Create an Oracle user (WSBKR), and grant unlimited usage on TS_WSBKR to the user.
3. Grant database previlege to the broker database user:

4. Define a DSN for ODBC Connection
4.1 Go to "System DSN" definition tab though "ODBC data source administrator" in windows administrative tools or Oracle menu.
4.2 Create a new datasource using driver:
MQSeries DataDirect Technologies 5.00 32-BIT Sybase Wire Protocol
4.3 Enter the DSN name (DSN_WSBKR), description, and server name (in this case, use orcl, which is a sample Oracle instance), and use 10g client.
4.4 (Optional) In the Advanced tab, Select Enable SQLDescribeParam. Select Procedure Returns Results, which results in the Windows registry a string value called ProcedureRetResults with the value 1 being created.
4.5 Test the connection using WSBKR account and click "OK" button to create the DSN.
4.6 Start Windows regedit, and locate the following value:

Add a String value to the key DSN_WSBKR, which is called "WorkArounds" with the value 536870912.
5. Create an MQ queue manager for the broker (WSBKR_QM).
6. Create a broker to populate the database. When you create a broker, if the WebSphere MQ queue manager does not already exist, the queue manager is automatically created. The broker database must already exist but the tables in which the broker stores its internal data are created automatically when the first broker to use that database is created. Subsequent brokers that you create specifying the same database and database user ID share these tables. An example is like this: C:\Program Files\IBM\MQSI\6.1>mqsicreatebroker WSMSGBROKER -i yelei -a pppassword -q WSBKR_QM -n DSN_WSBKR -u WSBKR -p pppassword.

Note the default broker creation wizard provided by websphere message broker toolkit only creates broker database. In order to store business data, user database should also be created.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you know if any similar instructions exist for Linux environments?