Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Configure MQ server (5.3) to accept client connections on Windows platform

a. Start your queue manager by using the strmqm command.
b. Type the following command to start the runmqsc program:
runmqsc [QMNAME]
c. Define a sample channel called JAVA.CHANNEL by issuing the following command:
DEF CHL(’JAVA.CHANNEL’) CHLTYPE(SVRCONN) TRPTYPE(TCP) MCAUSER(’ ’) + DESCR(’Sample channel for WebSphere MQ classes for Java’)
d. Start a listener program with the following commands:
runmqlsr -t tcp [-m QMNAME] -p 1414

Monday, June 25, 2007

Basic Websphere MQ Command

Lately I've been involved in solving a MQ problem. Not really familiar with this product, so I'll put down some basic commands here for later reference.
(1) Create a queue manager. Example:
crtmqm -q yelei.queue.manager
(2) Start the queue manager. Example:
strmqm yelei.queue.manager
(3) Launch MQSC console:
(4) Define a local queue in the console:
define qlocal yelei.queue
(5) Exit MQSC:
(6) Put a message on the queue. Example:
amqsput yelei.queue
(7) Get a message from the queue. Example:
amqsget yelei.queue

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

oracle command examples

Sometimes it takes me a while to look for the SQL command I need in Oracle. Just record something I got.
(1) displaying tables in a schema:
select * from user_tables;
(2) displaying column information for a relation:
describe wms_notif;
(3) check entries without corresponding entries in the other table:

Thursday, June 07, 2007

check local machine IP

I only got the loop address when using "hostname -i".

So it's better to use "/sbin/ifconfig -eth0" with the root account.

Or "ip addr show".

Check this out: http://www.pixelbeat.org/cmdline.html

Issue related to Fedora 7 displaying mouse cursor

Sometimes with a fresh installation of Fedora, you'll not be able to see the mouse on the desktop. Here is an url invisible cursor in Fedora , which gives the information about how to solve it.

If you have just installed Fedora (or any other distro which uses xorg) you may have encounter the problem by which your cursor works, but you just can't see i: that is you have no cursor. The solution is fairly simple.
Open for editing the xorg config file as root. It is usually located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf . Locate the device section of the configuration file.
Add the following entry into the device section (on its own line):
Option "SWcursor" "True"
Restart the computer (or just xorg). Your problem should now be gone.